When: Tuesday, February 13th at 12:30 -1:45pm

Where: 308 and 310 Allen Hall

Facilitator: Megan Miller,Director of Campus Career Engagement

Register here: https://forms.gle/rjJYQqsqko8CqCrC7

In partnership with major employers, The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has created 8 Career-Readiness competencies that are most important to college graduates’ ability to achieve and flourish in post-graduate employment.

In this workshop, instructors will learn about NACE’s Career-Readiness Competencies including which three are identified as most important for new graduates and which three are identified as most commonly missing in new graduates. Participants will spend time aligning a current syllabus, project, or assignment to the competencies to intentionally incorporate them into future coursework.

As the QEP continues to take shape and there is increasing awareness of the importance of demonstrating Career preparation and readiness to enhance admission and retention, the integration and alignment of NACE Career Readiness Competencies will enhance both admission decision-making and post-graduate success for our students.

To participate fully in the workshop, please bring a hard copy of a current syllabus, project instructions, or assignment sheet.

Lunch will be provided by the Office of Alumni and Career Services.

Beginning this semester, CAFE is collaborating with Student Affairs to encourage students to connect what they are learning in the classroom to their co-curricular experiences.  Some faculty already require as an assignment or offer as extra credit student participation in campus programs/events. Aligning co-curricular learning with classroom learning can be challenging when you are unsure about the intended event learning outcomes and how these might align with course SLOs. We hope to enhance and support these learning experiences by providing faculty with reflection assignments (including event learning outcomes) that you can tailor to your course. As you are designing your spring courses, please consider including these (one or two or all) programs in your course. Using the TILT (Transparency in Learning and Teaching) method, each reflection assignment will include a purpose and task. Faculty will add the evaluation criteria. 

Reflection assignments are available @ https://blogs.longwood.edu/longwoodcafe/reflection-assignments-cafe-and-student-affairs-collaboration/. We are piloting this program with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Campus Recreation specifically including the following programs.

Office of Multicultural Affairs

MLK Keynote Speaker-Ebone Bell

February 20, 2024 @ 6:30pm in Blackwell Ballroom

Ebone Bell will combine her two talks, How To Be A Good Ally and Level Up Leadership, to encompass what captures the theme of this year’s MLK Week; Leadership, Activism, & Building the Beloved Community.

Campus Recreation

The Welcome Back Well-Being Fair

Tuesday, January 23rd from 3-5pm in Pierson Hall

The Fair is an opportunity for students to better understand the factors that contribute to one’s overall well-being including physical, mental, emotional, financial, social, and community well-being. Representatives from a variety of campus support services including the University Health Center, Campus Recreation, and Counseling and Psychological Service will interact with students and discuss resources available.

Teaching Effective Collaboration

CAFE’s 3rd Annual Pre-Spring Semester Workshop Series

January 3-5, 2024


Teaching our students how to collaborate in multiple modalities – such as writing and speaking – and in multiple contexts – such as information literacy and with a focus on equity – enhances their interpersonal skills and develops a sense of collective responsibility. The ability to collaborate is a crucial skill that extends beyond the classroom. This symposium aims to explore innovative approaches, share best practices, and inspire educators to cultivate a collaborative spirit among students. In this series of workshops, CAFE Staff, CAFE Faculty Consultants, and DEC Staff will provide tips and tools to help you maximize the effectiveness of your collaborative classrooms. Each session will include time to work on your classes so that you walk away with a product to help improve your spring semester.  

You choose which sessions you would want to attend.  Please go to https://forms.gle/ti58ksD9XVYbNQj59 to register.

All sessions via Zoom unless indicated otherwise.

You can download the full schedule and workshop descriptions below.

Please join us in the Virginia Room from noon to 1:00 p.m. on the dates shown in the flyer. Lunch will be served.

This week


Turn It In: Exploring the AI Detector

Thursday, August 17
Allen Hall 205Register @



Join CAFE for pomodoro sessions again this semester. All faculty and staff are welcome. The sessions use a focused cycle: set a goal, work towards it for 25 minutes, and then take a five-minute break. You will repeat the cycle three times. Choose the session that fits your needs:

Research Writing Session: Tuesday and Thursdays @ 8:30-10:30am, via Zoom with Adam Franssen,
Work Session: Mondays and Wednesday @ 10:00-11:30, via Zoom with Renee Gutiérrez



Important Dates and Events Across Campus

August 15

11:00-12:00President’s Welcome, Jarman Auditorium, followed by lunch @ noon, Dorrill Dining Hall
2:00-3:15                     College of Education, Health and Human Services Faculty Kick-Off, Soza Ballroom (Upchurch)
3:00-4:00                     Cook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Welcome and Reception, Wygal Auditorium

August 16

9:30-2:00                     College of Business and Economics Fall Advance, Nance Room, Dining Hall
8:00-4:00                     New students move-in

August 17

9:00-2:30                     College of Business and Economics Fall Advance, Nance Room, Dining Hall
8:00-4:00                     New students move-in

August 18-20

8:00-4:00                     Continuing students arrive                 

August 18      

8:30-9:00                     Faculty Coffee Hour and Breakfast, Blackwell Hall, Rotunda 
9:00-10:30                   Opening Faculty Meeting, Blackwell Hall
11:30-12:30                 Honor & Integrity Ceremony, Jarman Hall.  Line-up begins after the opening faculty meeting in Blackwell Hall; the procession begins at 11:20.

August 19                  Full Semester Graduate Classes begin. Note to graduate professors: please check the Academic Calendar for specific beginning dates for 5, 7, & 8- week courses.

August 21                   Undergraduate Classes begin
September 4               University closed for Labor Day
September 14             Convocation–undergraduate
October 5-6                Fall Break- no undergraduate classes
October 9                   Undergraduate classes resume
October 18                 Undergraduate grade estimates due
November 14             Symposium of the Common Good Day (no undergraduate classes until 5:30 PM; graduate classes held as usual)
November 15             Research & Creative Inquiry Showcase (no undergraduate classes 1:00-5:30 PM)
November 22-24        Thanksgiving Holiday
November 27             Classes resume
December 1                Last day of undergraduate classes
December 3                Faculty volunteers serve at Late Night Breakfast. (Look for email.)
December 4-8            Examinations
December 9                Last day of full semester graduate courses.Note to graduate professors: please check the Academic Calendar for specific end dates for 5, 7, & 8- week courses
December 11              Undergraduate and graduate (full semester) grades due. Note to graduate professors: please check the Academic Calendar for specific grade due dates for 5, 7, & 8-week courses.

Check out the Academic Calendar for graduate and undergraduate course add/drop,  withdraw, and registration dates.

Thursday, August 10th, 2023

Join us for Longwood’s first annual day of undergraduate faculty professional development–a day filled with several options and opportunities to collaborate with and learn from your faculty colleagues.

  • Civitae faculty leaders will facilitate workshops in all areas of Civitae allowing you to meet and share ideas for teaching in Civitae and discuss ways to improve student learning and engagement. 
  • CAFE will offer sessions on teaching writing in the age of AI, course design and assignment design.
  • The Cormier Honors College will host a workshop focusing on how to turn your existing courses into Honors courses.
  • The day will end with a Faculty Reception in the CAFE lounge.    

Registration is required for all events.  For more information about the schedule of the day, individual sessions, and registration, please go to https://blogs.longwood.edu/undergradfacutlypdday/

Questions about the Civitae sessions, contact Heather Lettner Rust @ lettnerrusthg@longwood.edu.

Questions about the CAFE sessions, contact Adam Franssen @ franssenra@longwood.edu

Questions about the Cormier Honors College session, contact Hannah Dudley-Shotwell @ shotwellhg@longwood.edu

New Faculty Orientation

August 7-8, 2023

We have workshops and sessions on a wide variety of topics: inclusivity in the classroom, Longwood traditions, retirement planning, parking passes and rules, and a workshop on our learning management system. The program begins with breakfast on each day at 8:15 am, and ends by 4:15 pm.

New Faculty Orientation Schedule ( click here to access the schedule )

August 7- Orientation will take place in Allen Hall 308

August 8- Orientation will take place in Allen Hall 308

The President’s Reception for New Faculty will take place on August 15, 5:30 to 7:00 PM, Radcliff Hall.

If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, please contact Renee Gutiérrez at gutierrezar@longwood.edu.

Teaching for Civic Learning and Engagement

10th Annual Teaching and Learning Institute

Longwood University
8:30am-5:30pm, May 9, 2023
Blackwell Ballroom, Rotunda Hall

Registration NOW OPEN @ https://forms.gle/MVqBwqfD1XpLgMvh9

The Center for Faculty Enrichment (CAFE) and the Civitae Core Curriculum Committee invite ALL faculty and staff to a full-day workshop focused on best practices for developing students into engaged members of the community. Beginning with the keynote address, participants will be invited to co-create a definition of civic learning that will be used as a framework for future discussions. Following the keynote, participants will choose concurrent sessions to attend and learn more about key concepts and skills related to teaching civic engagement. For faculty specifically engaged in the teaching of Longwood’s signature core curriculum program, Civitae, there will be opportunities to meet and discuss assessment and professional development pertinent to their courses. 

By the end of this workshop, all participants will be able to:

  • define civic learning and civic engagement in an academic context;
  • apply civic learning concepts to specific activities, assignments, and/or classes;
  • describe how pedagogical approaches such as critical reflection and experiential learning can provide students with the tools to become effective, contributing members and/or leaders of their community; and
  • communicate civic responsibility to multiple audiences, especially students.

This year’s keynote speaker is Patti Clayton, Ph.D. Dr. Clayton formerly served as founding Director of the Center for Excellence in Curricular Engagement at NC State University and as a Faculty Fellow with National Campus Compact’s Project on Integrating Service with Academic Study. In all aspects of her work she seeks to support intellectual, personal, and civic development through co-creating mentoring communities grounded in reflective practice, leadership, and scholarship. Beyond community-engaged teaching, learning, and scholarship, her academic interests include environmental philosophy and environmental studies, leadership development, and the history and philosophy of science. She earned her Ph.D. (1995) and M.S. (1992) from the Curriculum in Ecology at UNC-Chapel Hill. 


Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Vice President

with CAFE, Center for Faculty Enrichment

WIN PRIZES!  Every time you attend one of the well-being activities listed below, your name will be entered in a raffle for gift cards and apparel. 

HEALTHY SNACKS (until they are gone!) Stop by the CAFE kitchen (310A Allen Hall) and grab some snacks to go. 

Faculty Mindfulness & Meditation Group
Monday, March 27, 3:15 to 4:00pm
Allen 310 (CAFE lounge)

Please join us as we gather with friends and colleagues interested in meditation and mindfulness.  This group is open to all, from the never-before meditator to the well-practiced guru.  We will meet to share about our lives and sit for 1-2 brief meditation sessions.  The goal of these meetings is to build a community of mindful friends. 

Tuesday and Thursday Meditations
Tuesday, March 28 and Thursday, March 29 from 11:30-11:50
Join Renee Gutiérrez for a short mediation session via Zoom.


Finding and living a healthy life-work balance can be challenging and navigating the needs of others with our own can be stressful. Join Dr. Maureen Walls-McKay and Dr. Jenny Retallick for an informal discussion about YOUR well-being including tips for how to be well. Press Club lunch is provided, so registration is required to help us plan.
Tuesday, March 28 (almost full)
Dr. Maureen Walls-McKay, Dean of Well-Being
12:30 – 1:30PM
CAFE Lounge
Registration: https://forms.gle/zq4omKpyinSM1Q9G6

Wednesday, March 29 (going fast)
Dr. Jenny Retallick, Trauma Specialist
12:00 – 1:00PM
CAFE Lounge
Registration: https://forms.gle/zq4omKpyinSM1Q9G6

Come to the Allen 304 for a 12-minute chair massage with Dr. Ruth Holliday, D.C. and licensed massage therapist.
Thursday, March 30 11:00-4:00pm (only 2 spots left)
Spaces are limited, and registration is required.  Register @ https://forms.gle/mwFkm6XgXDpGt1AL8
Friday, March 31 10:00-3:00pm (going fast)
Spaces are limited, and registration is required.  Register @ https://forms.gle/mwFkm6XgXDpGt1AL8

Thursday, March 30
3:00, 3:30, and 4:00pm
Meet Dean Roberts in front of Greenwood Library for a 30 minute stroll around Longwood’s campus.

Friday, March 31 from 4:00-5:00pm
CAFE Lounge (310 Allen Hall)
It’s 5:00 somewhere! Start your weekend a little early unwinding with your colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere. Snacks and beverages will be provided.

A CAPS and CAFE Collaboration

Facilitator: Dr. Stacey Pearson-Wharton, Dean of Health & Wellness and Director of Counseling Center at Susquehanna University

Friday, April 7 from 12:00-2:00pm; lunch provided

Please register @ https://forms.gle/sKuDnYbwfuGBwMXx5 by March 30th.

The first 25 people to register will receive the book, 35 Dumb Things that Well-Intended People Say: Surprising Things We Say that Widen the Diversity Gap by Maura Cullen

How can we take meaningful steps toward creating more socially equitable learning environments?  At predominately white universities, students of color continue to experience discrimination, social isolation, and psychological challenges throughout their educational experiences. For example, micro aggressions, conversations about race or racially-based issues, and stereotype threat take a toll and can affect their ability to learn.  In this two-hour workshop, Dr. Pearson-Wharton offers practical steps and guidance for educators to effectively address race-based trauma in learning spaces.  

For nearly 20 years Dr. Stacey Pearson-Wharton has dedicated herself to helping students maximize their learning, health and well-being, and personal growth. Currently, she is the Dean of Health & Wellness and Director of Counseling Center at Susquehanna University. She has served as an Assistant Dean, Assistant Vice President, Counseling Center Director, Staff Psychologist, Academic Advisor, Career Counselor and even a Hall Director. She holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University and a Masters in Counselor Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Program provided by CAPS.  Funding for this workshop was made possible in part by grant number 5H79SM084035-02 from SAMHSA: Well Lancers: Creating a Culture of Well-Being with Expanded Mental Health Services. The views expressed in written materials or publication and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of CMHS, SAMHSA, or HHS; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Lunch provided by the Center for Faculty Enrichment (CAFE)