SPAN 211

This class was taken my second semester of my freshman year at Longwood University.  For this class, I had the same professor as I did for Spanish 111 which was very helpful as he knew my strengths and weaknesses and I knew his teaching style.  The class added onto the previous class I took and it was relatively easy just like the last semester was.  I did really well in the class and it was fun learning more challenging Spanish.  The one thing I really learned from this class was how to write well in another language.  We were assigned to do a couple of news reports which helped us learn how to write summaries on articles we found from a Spanish news website.  With all of this, I was able to become a much better writer in Spanish and I was able to apply what I have learned to real life scenarios.


Spanish 211 Artifact

Title: News Report #3

Author: Katelyn Weber

Date: April 17, 2019

The artifact for this class was one of our news reports we had to complete.  For the news reports, we had to go to any Spanish news website and find an article that looked interesting to us.  Then we were to read it and write a summary on it in Spanish.  The last thing we had to do for it was to pick out ten words from the article that we were not familiar with and had to define them at the bottom of our paper.