Women and Gender Studies 495

Reproductive Justice

I took this class in the Spring of 2020 with Dr. Dudley-Shotwell. I remember going into this class very excited. The previous semester I had taken two classes with Dr. Dudley-Shotwell and loved her teaching style and the material we covered. This class was much the same, except far more complex. Many of the assignments challenged me, pushing me out of my comfort zone. For example, our audience-friendly summaries, which were recordings of ourselves summarizing prior assignments. This was very hard for me to do at first, as I’m not great with recordings of my self in any means. The audience-friendly summaries were reoccurring, which allowed me to get better my performance on the recordings. From this assignment and many others, I learned that being pushed out of your comfort zone is good. It makes you try harder than normal, learn more than you would’ve, and overall, become a better student. My artifact below is the final project, which was by far the most difficult project of the course, as it pushed me farther out of my comfort zone than any other assignment before. I took this push as a challenge and did the best I could, and am proud of the overall outcome.

My artifact above is my final project from the course, which is a podcast. It is titled “Childcare Accessibility in the New River Valley of Virginia.” I, Tucker Marshall, wrote and produced this podcast on May 1, 2020. This assignment is significant to me because it was the one that challenged me the most. It made me learn far more about my home community, and get involved in a part of society that I never expected to be in. This project made me truly understand much of the material from class, and learn about some of the struggles parents face.