Community Pillar

What Community Means to Me

To me, a community is a group of people who can all relate to each other through at least one thing. For example, the Longwood community all relate to each other through their love of Longwood University. But what a community should be is a group of people who support and care for one another at all times. You don’t have to know everyone in your community, we need to treat them all with equal respect, no matter what differences you have. It’s that simple.

Community in the Honors College

The Cormier Honors College is itself a community. In this community, everyone is supporting others and encouraging them to do their best. I’ve never witnessed something quite like it. It is the closest to what a community should be that I’ve ever seen, and I am very proud to be a part of it. I want to grow further in this community, to help others within it more often, and become a better student and peer. It would be nice to even enlarge my role within the Honors College, and do more for them. I am honored to take part in this community and look forward to the coming years.

These are some of my favorite photos of the Honors community.