Scholarship Pillar

What Scholarship Means to Me

Scholarship is a dedication to learning throughout one’s whole life. One needs to be open to learning new things at all times, and let others take the lead so they can do so. Scholarship means understanding that one does not and cannot know everything. I love learning new things and have kept myself open so I can improve upon my understanding of the world and those within it. Scholarship is very important, without it we wouldn’t get anywhere.

Scholarship in the Honors College

Scholarship is very important in the Cormier Honors College. Everyone who is a part of the honors community is a scholar and has committed to life long learning. However, they have also committed to helping other scholars in their community and outside of it. This community of scholars is outstanding. When we all work together there is nothing we can’t do. It is an honor to be a Cormier Honors College scholar. In being one I know that I will always be supported, always have the opportunity to expand my knowledge, and am able to accomplish almost anything.