Letter to Senior Self

Dear senior me,

I have absolutely no idea where we’ll be when you read and reflect on this, but I hope we’re doing something we love. As of now (May 2020), I am a biology major with a general biology concentration. I am completely terrified that once I really get into all of the major classes that I won’t be very good at it, but oh well I guess. The plan, for now, is to finish up at Longwood and then go to vet school, most likely Virginia-Maryland at Tech. Is that what ended up happening? I really hope so.
Anyways, right now I’m enjoying the college and being a part of the Honors College. This semester has been pretty crazy though, with the pandemic and all. Did everything go back to normal, or is there a new normal? I’ve made quite a lot of good friends this year. They are Kira Pierce, Kyra Valovick, Anna Chapelle, Hannah Wright, Devin Shifflet, Amber Louk, and Grace Smalley to name a few. I feel like I’ve grown and matured a lot in this one year. I’ve become far more independent, a much better problem solver, and overall a better person. I haven’t been volunteering as much as I did last year, but I’m hoping to improve on that once I’m back at Longwood. I found this great place to volunteer, it’s called White Bird. Did we continue volunteering there? I’m also really excited to go on another Honors Service Retreat, it was especially nice serving another community.
Speaking of community, did we get more involves in the honors community? That is on the docket, I’m just not sure how to go about that as of now. Are we still in HSA? I know the weekly meetings can be a bit boring, but it was nice getting to others and work together. That is how I got to meet some very cool people. Oh, and did we finally pick a minor? Right now I’m considering Spanish, Women and Gender Studies, or Sociology. Spanish would be really hard to do, but I’ve actually been enjoying it this past year. WGST is also very interesting, if not a bit depressing at times. And finally Sociology, I don’t know why this is on our list, but I’ve liked learning more about society and betting my ability to understand other people’s struggles.
On that note, how are we doing as scholars? Have we vastly improved our knowledge? Did we get better at actively learning? Currently, I’m trying to fix my procrastination issue. It’s pretty bad but usually doesn’t end up hurting my grades. Oh! Did we go on our study abroad? I absolutely want to do that, but I have no idea where or when. It would also be nice to study abroad more than once, but money is tight right now so one can only hope. Also, did we end up going to the Yellow Stone National Park class? I was signed up to go this semester, but the whole pandemic thing killed it. I hope things are far better in the future, as the whole world seems to be in chaos right now. Have fun!
