This course mainly about applied ethical principles to medicine which directly related to my major. I originally though that this class would be quite boring as we would be discussing Plato and I had already learned about them in high school. I actually really enjoyed this course though. Dr. Blinco made the class interesting by offering the students time to discuss topics with their peers.
To enhance this course, I had to create a biomedical ethics paper about a topic of my choice. Dr. Blincoe pushed me to think outside of the box and to pick a topic I was actually interested in. In high school, I had read an extremely interesting book about human cadavers and their use in medicine. I decided to use this book as the basis for my topic and completed research on cadavers and their use in medical education. Dr. Blincoe helped me throughout the semester to formulate my argument and by the end of the semester, I had created a philosophical argument that I was extremely proud of.