HONS 495: Existentialism


Artifact: Essay on Jean Paul Sartre (.docx)

HONS 495 is a special topics course on Existentialism. In this course, students studied the philosophies of famous existentialists, both theist and atheist, such as Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidigger, Sartre, De Beauvoir, and Camus. In learning of these existentialist philosophies, we get to learn about different “spheres of existence” and perhaps could apply some of the terms and theories to behaviours that we observe in day-to-day life of ourselves and others. The purpose of this essay was to study the philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre, and then connect it to his famous play “No Exit”. The essay had to be over 3 pages, but less than 4 pages, and had to have an Introduction, Contextual Background, Argument, and Conclusion sections. This was written at the end of the Spring 2018 semester by myself. In writing this essay, I learned how I could apply what I learned in this class to a play and argue for a point that is supported by evidence. However, I wished I had done some rewrites of some of my weaker essays, because after our essays are graded we get them back and are offered to rewrite it. For my Simone De Beauvoir essay, I found it quite weak and I felt that I could have done better on it regardless of getting an A-. These essays throughout the semester have taught me that I should take advantage of opportunities when I have the chance, because I may not always get that chance and should take it when I can so that I can provide the best results.