HIST 120


Artifact: Persuasive Essay Against Alexander the Great (.docx)

HIST 120 was a course in World History up until 1500 A.D. The purpose of this assignment was to respond to two provided essays that attack and defend whether or not Alexander the Great was actually “great”. I responded by attacking his title and, using information provided by the two essays and citing it, claimed that Alexander was not “Great”. The paper had to be at least 6 pages. This essay was written at the end of the Fall 2017 semester by myself. In doing this assignment, it helped me be able to form an argument for or against a particular topic, as well as be able to use and respond to information from other sources that are arguing over the same topic. From there, I can also make my own inferences based on the other pieces that I’ve read and address counter-arguments to their essays and to my own. I could use this if I ever need to respond to another writer, perhaps over design standards as they continue to evolve as the graphic design field continues to develop.