PHIL 308


Artifact: Case Presentation “Is UFC Fighting Ethical?” (.pdf)

The goals of PHIL 308 (Introduction to Ethics) was to learn about how to analyse and present arguments of varying kinds. Some of these types of arguments were character-based arguments and act utilitarian arguments. We also learned how to put an argument in standard form (separating its premises and its conclusion) so that we could read it more easily and better understand if the points connect or if the argument is invalid. The artifact was our final presentation in which we picked a case to research and argue for/against, and the case that I chose was whether or not UFC fighting is ethical. Linked above were my presentation slides for that presentation. In doing this project, I learned how to present my argument from two different perspectives, which is useful in learning how to see someone else’s argument from a point of view that isn’t my own. I can better empathize with the other, and better understand where they are coming from. This would help in future jobs by allowing me to put myself in my client’s shoes and understand why they would prefer or not prefer a certain concept, or to understand why they don’t think it’s working. It could also help if I need to explain any design choices to them so that I don’t come off as condescending or rude while still presenting my argument as to why my design choice is the best one for the concept, even if it conflicts a bit with what they envisioned in their head (for example, if the client is seeking to copy another logo, I would have to explain why that is wrong or would not be in their interest).