Spanish 201

Spanish is a hit or miss class for me because I tend to struggle with fluency which can hurt my grade when it comes to oral exams but this semester I tried something different. The entire Spring 2018 semester I had my phone in Spanish because the best way to learn is full immersion and since I can’t do that I figured I would get as close as possible. Our generation is constantly on our phones and I’m a guilty party in that. So with my phone in Spanish it was everywhere, it changed all of my apps including the social ones like Snapchat and Twitter down to the Calendar app and others. It really helped me with my spanish because I was seeing it 24/7 so it felt like I was studying and practicing spanish all day every day and I ended up with an A- in the class which is leaps and bounds better than I have every done. We did most of our assignments on iLrn the program that comes with the textbook. But one of the things we did do was lectures that we got to do to analyze Spanish culture and understand why we learn it because the why is just as important as the material itself.