Honors Courses

Below is the beginning of each reflection for honors courses that are not fulfilling a general education requirement which can be found under the Gen. Ed. Goals tab.

Biology 120

My previous biology major required me to take biology 120 as my introductory bio class. In this class, we focused on the scientific method and mostly reviewed previous materials that we had learned over many years of schooling and then expanded on each subject briefly. This is supposed to be taken with biology 250 the …

Biology 250

Biology 250 was on genetics and cellular biology, this is the part of biology I am less interested in so it was a bit harder to learn than the first semester of bio (bio 120). I found the in-class part to be just fine, even though Dr. Alvarez had a bit of an accent I …

Recreation 340

This class was my first step into the outdoor education minor and it was an amazing experience. It got ended early because of COVID-19 so we missed out on the outdoor climbing trips and the canoeing unit but the parts that we were there for were great. After the first couple of weeks where we …

Recreation 375

Leadership development was a class I took as a requirement for my outdoor education minor. This class focused on creating leadership qualities through adventuring outdoors and learning skills, qualities, and techniques required for leading outdoor trips. This course was changed to an online asynchronous class because of the COIVD-19 pandemic and suffered because of it. …

Recreation 420

I took this environmental educational resources class as a part of my outdoor education minor requirements. This class mainly focused on the educational aspects of the minor more than the other classes I took by creating lesson plans and learning how to teach about various things we’ve learned. Many of the assignments we were given …