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Communications 101

This public speaking class fulfilled the aesthetic expressions pillar for my civitae curriculum. Initially I was somewhat worried about the class as I’m not the most talkative person. I’ve never had an issue with public speaking and often do fine during class presentations but never the less had a little worry in the back of my mind. When the class actually began though many of my worries were dispelled and now the only thing left was the difficulty that arose from the differences of in-person to online speaking. The first two speeches I had to figure out how to change from my room scanning to looking at the camera, talking much louder than I thought I needed to get it through the microphone correctly, and have my hand gestures high enough to see. All of these things started off slightly weaker averaging me a B for the beginning quarter. As each speech progressed I asked questions about the feedback I got and every time I felt like I was doing better, and that was being affirmed by improved feedback each time. Dr. Mitten did a fantastic job transitioning us to online and had the best class using the online format I’ve taken. The feedback on the presentations was detailed so I knew what exactly I was missing out on and she was willing to answer all of my questions and work with us to become a better speaker. Although the format did hinder my ability to rely on previous experience Dr. Mitten did a fantastic job of helping the class adapt and improve our public speaking for both online and in-person speeches. I recently even found myself using many of the lessens during an interview and believe that they assisted me greatly. Out of all the general education classes I’ve taken and the many things I do not enjoy about the gen. ed. format, I believe this class was extremely important and should be required for everyone (as it is currently).

This was my favorite speech, even though it was on the earlier side. I was allowed to do any kind of demonstration I wanted and chose to show the basics of coding through the creation of a hangman game. This ended up being my first excellent presentation with the only thing being taken off was that I went over in time. Although I completely botched the time requirement I wasn’t penalized too much and would cite this as my the real turn in my speeches for this class. Considering I nearly doubled the time limit it was not perfect, but I still had another half the class to fix only one more issue. By the end I had 3/6 perfect speeches but the passion I had in this one and the topic I wrote on was perfect for me and was the most fun presentation for me to do. It felt like I was actually presenting a topic I had researched at a conference unlike the others that felt grounded in the class.