Return to 2020 – 2021 Classes

English 215

English 215 focused on media and literature with a strong connection to technology and how it affects everything around us. The historical and contemporary insights pillar was satisfied by this class. This happened to be one of my only in-person classes for the year, and the only fully in-person class for my sophomore year. Being in person for this class was a huge help because of how much easier it was for discussion to flow and for groups of people to transition from talking within a group to a full class discussion. Although some of the books weren’t what I liked reading they were good books and nothing felt like it was dragging on in the class for too long. The hardest part for me in the class was some of the final projects. There were 4 big projects, spaced through the semester, and they required abilities that are not my strongest. One of these also coincided with a death in the family which took a toll on all of my grades. While there were a few bumps in the road the creativity allowed for some of these projects and especially the final essay was great to see and motivated me to write more than other projects may have. With this, I was able to write my final essay on the effect of digital literature on media globalization focusing on anime and manga from Japan.