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My scholarship at Longwood started with being accepted into the honors college and from there continued into me trying my hardest in every class, going beyond learning for the test by learning to apply in the future. Some of my favorite parts of freshman year were the questions Professor Dolence would ask the class. Unlike many questions in high school and even other classes, they were being applied right in front of us. All the questions would be a problem that would be solved by the lesson and then tested, you were able to see if there was a better alternative or try out other solutions. I love taking this concept for questions and have always used it in my life when looking at a problem, the style makes me want to continue doing my research from when I was a young kid. To cure my mother’s Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s, make a painless strep. test, and many more. All of these things I strive for with my overall goal, graduating, and going to med school to become a neurosurgeon.