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2020 – 2021 Classes

Communications 101

This public speaking class fulfilled the aesthetic expressions pillar for my civitae curriculum. Initially I was somewhat worried about the class as I’m not the most talkative person. I’ve never had an issue with public speaking and often do fine during class presentations but never the less had a little worry in the back of …

English 215

English 215 focused on media and literature with a strong connection to technology and how it affects everything around us. The historical and contemporary insights pillar was satisfied by this class. This happened to be one of my only in-person classes for the year, and the only fully in-person class for my sophomore year. Being …

Philosophy 200

This introduction to philosophy course satisfied my human behavior and social institutions pillar. With this being an entirely online and asynchronous class I had to adapt to a different learning style. I’m used to more structured times for class, assignment due dates rather than ranges, and in-class discussions. This was not my only asynchronous class, …