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2019-2020 Classes

Chemistry 111

I found this class to be a good review of chemistry from high school with a bit added to each topic. The labs that we did were all pretty fun and gave a good opportunity to apply what we learned in each lecture. I really liked the “quest” system that allowed students to have a …

Citizen 110

Taking a citizen 110 class is required for all students at Longwood, and for honors students, taking an honors section is required. Although we are all required to take citizen 110 they are all very different classes based on the options we were able to select from. My class was on social entrepreneurship and being …

English 165

I enjoyed this English class during the first part of the year, but when COVID made us transition to online school things became monotonous and since the discussions stopped I enjoyed the class less. The in-person discussions were fun and interesting but the actual information I ended up not finding too useful as it more …

Math 171

Math 171, statistics, was a hard class for me and I did not do as well as I would have liked. This class satisfied the quantitative reasoning pillar. The main issue for me was that I thought my answers were wrong but instead, I didn’t write the steps right so I would get points off …