Computer Organization

Computer Organization was the first computer science class I took after Intro to Algorithmic Design 2, the class that truly scared me about my performance in my computer science major. I was incredibly unsure if I would be able to perform well in this major. Throughout the semester that I was taking this class, I found myself continuously surprising myself with just how well I was performing in the class. With both my own efforts, and the help of my peers and professor, I felt my confidence slowly rising higher and higher with regards to my ability to perform in my chosen major. This class helped to show me that you will encounter set backs, and there will be times that your confidence is shaken. Despite this, it’s important to never quit what you are doing. If you end up quitting, you will never know how far you can truly go with what you’re able to do. If you continue down your chosen path, you will break through your struggles, no matter how big they may seem.