Category Archives: Uncategorized

THEA 100

Attached is a link to a project completed in my Theatre course during the fall semester of 2018. This project was to explain he importance of regional theaters and how they influence the surrounding community. This project was presented the … Continue reading

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BIOL 206

Attached is an assignment completed for Anatomy and Physiology I that was taken fall semester of 2018. Throughout the semester we had several assignments where we were given essay prompts that were to be answered in one to two pages. … Continue reading

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Attached above is my final project for my Honors Human Growth and Development class taken during the fall semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. This project was called the Three Ages Project. It is a combination of three different interviews … Continue reading

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Attached above is a link to my final project in my HONS CTZN 110 class. This class was called Bodies and Citizens. The basis behind this course was how bodies or groups of individuals were perceived throughout society and whether or … Continue reading

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