Attached is a pig I dissected in an Anatomy and Physiology II lab in the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic school year. My grade in this course was based solely upon our lecture exams and lab practicals, therefore we did not have any outside assignments other than to study. I added a picture of one of our weekly labs to represent an artifact.
Dissecting a pig gave me the opportunity to see organs first hand rather than in a text book. This gives me a different perspective. During this lab, I was able to identify all of the organs in the pics body. Because the pigs organs are almost identical to a humans, it was a very beneficial lab because with my major, I work with humans. As I continue with my education, I hope to do more dissections as they give me hands on experience. Overall, this direction lab was a very helpful lab to review all of the organ systems before our final exam. After this lab, I went back and started reviewing. I already felt ahead of the game because I was able to answer the questions that my professor asked in class as he walked from table to table. One thing about this class that was challenging was the fact that our grades were based solely on testing. It was very high stakes, but it taught me to not wait to open up the book. It taught me that when professors say “for every one hour in class, you should be studying two hours,” they mean it. It taught me that not all classes are going to be smooth sailing and I am fortunate that I had the opportunity to learn that early on.