Mentor Interview

After the conversation with my mentor I realized we have a lot of similarities (other than our names). I feel like we are a good match in that she understands where my short-comings are and how to overcome them. I am thankful that Sarah is my mentor and I am excited to learn more from her. One important “take-away” from our conversation is that continuing education in the field of RT is essential. Sarah mentioned that taking advantage of workshops or training is a sure way to progress in my career as a recreation therapist (S. Sprague, personal communication, June 12, 2020). Additionally, my mentor emphasized the importance of team work. Sarah told me that she had left her agency for a bit and then returned. When she returned she had to work her way up to “senior therapist” status, which I found surprising and admirable. Also, Sarah said that she tries to have a “mental script” to help communicate her ideas, which I found surprising (S. Sprague, personal communication, June 12, 2020). I thought someone that has been practicing in the field as long as she has would not have to necessarily prepare themselves for communication. I’ve realized that preparation is key in being clear and engaging. I think it is very impressive how my mentor advocates for herself and her participants. Overall, I believe this internship is a unique opportunity to have a closer look at what a practicing recreation therapist’s day-to-day life looks like.


Rubric/Criteria for Success:

Interview Questions

The student identified 3 questions from each of the 4 types of mentor questions from the link provided to ask their mentor. Total of 12 questions.


The student scheduled and conducted a synchronized, live interview with their mentor asking all 12 questions.

Blog Post

The student utilized the question prompts from the assignment pane along with the information gleaned from the mentor interview to write a blog post. The student posted it in the correct location in their blog.

Mentor Approval

The students mentor reviewed the student’s work against the rubric provided and approved their work as complete.

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