The first self-assessment I received a 32 which means I am in the middle of transactional leader and transformational leader. I think this is accurate as I am a vision-orientated person but I also believe in having an exchange of values between leaders and followers. The second assessment I results were Charismatic 11, Transformative 12, Both 16. The second portion of the assessment did not label which was what. So, what I think is stewardship was 20 and servant was 12, Both 19. I agree with being more focused towards the stewardship aspect of leadership as I do try to help those around me to be able to help themselves and have control. I also am a mixture of both. Which I also believe is true as I have the mindset of a servant, to help those around me regardless of my own interests.
The charismatic leader would most likely be associated with connections and information. I think this because of the charismatic ability to form bonds and retrieve information from being able to talk to anyone. This type of power is established through speaking and interactions with other people. It is in my opinion, the most fitting for a charismatic leader to have power within connections and information.
I believe I relate more so to the servant leadership style than charismatic and transformational. My whole personality is based on serving people, I strive to help those around me without personal gain. This reflects who I am as a person, the values that I hold. This also gets me hurt, used, and abused, yet, I still am willing to serve. I aspire to resemble a servant leader that is able to take care of themselves while helping others. I think having the ideations to help people is the most important mindset a leader can have within the social work profession.