Fielder’s belief is that people have on dominant leadership style and by nature they cannot change this style. I believe that every person has a main leadership style that comes natural to them and it is more instinctual leadership as everyone is a leader in their own way. I do believe that leadership styles can change depending on situation and growth. An example would that someone in a leadership position at a young age would grow and develop skills to put forth into future leadership roles. They may still have a similar leadership to the one that they had as a child but through growing and education, be able to work on skills that lack in accommodating what the leadership role is focused on.
Time is an important situational factor in regard to leadership style. This can be due to the situational variables that is stated within the chapter. Depending on the job and what the objective is that leadership will reflect that. Two examples of different type of styles without applying theory but reflect two different work sectors would that of a social worker within a direct-based practice and a factory assembly manager. These two leadership positions will have different leadership styles due to the profession and different environments.
The Leadership Continuum Theory that falls within the framework of contingency leadership theory. I think this is the best theory because it “is used to determine which one of seven styles to select, based on the use of boss-centered versus subordinate-centered leadership, to meet the situation (boss, subordinates, situation/time) to maximize performance.” (p. 117). I like this theory the best because it focuses on the situation and the different leaderships that can be applied in different places.
I personally would not use a leadership theory knowingly, as I think it makes it less personal and more factory-made format of leadership. When I am within a leadership position, I highly doubt I will think, “Let me use ____ theory” to determine how I will approach a situation and or client as these experiences have different variations of interpersonal connections. As stated previously I do prefer the Leadership Continuum Theory as a foundation as it has a varied range,