Barcelona is a city brimming with opportunity, particularly in research, technology, and innovation. The Mediterranean way of life, the vibrant streets, and the agreeable temperature of Barcelona all contribute to the attraction of qualified professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, and students from all over the world (Welcome to Barcelona, n.d.). Its solid entrepreneurial culture is based on rigor, a future vision, ambition, the ability to innovate, and the fact that it is open to the globe. Its economy has a rich commercial and industrial past, making it appealing for corporate development, with cutting-edge research and innovation that transcends borders. The variety of historical and artistic characteristics of the city make it worthwhile to visit. The city is vast and gorgeous, with culture and fresh experiences around every cobblestone street bend. You’ll be delighted you chose study abroad programs in Barcelona, with its mind-boggling Gaudí architecture, mouth-watering tapas, and awe-inspiring seaside vistas. Opportunities for involvement in local culture are limitless. Remember that the amount of effort you put into the study abroad program dictates the outcome, yet it will still be an experience unlike any other. And you just might not want to leave (Fortuna, n.d.).

The following are just a handful of the many study abroad opportunities available in Barcelona.

Catalan Language & Culture

This curriculum, designed for students of all levels of Catalan proficiency, allows you to learn and enhance your Catalan language abilities while also obtaining a greater understanding of Catalan culture. Join other international students in Barcelona to improve your Catalan abilities while studying abroad. Barcelona has two official languages: Catalan and Spanish. Catalan has an undeniable impact on many elements of Catalan society. For instance, family members that solely speak Catalan in their own residences. Catalan is the global language of instruction in schools. Foreign languages, in this example English, are, however, introduced into the curriculum. Catalan, for example, adds to the complexity and color of Barcelona’s cultural tapestry. Though it is not required, learning Catalan makes navigating Barcelona much easier. It also broadens your professional, business, social, and personal perspectives, as well as enriches your stay in Barcelona. Once you thoroughly grasp the Catalan language and can speak it fluently, you can participate in a variety of cultural and recreational events that represent the city’s thousand-year past.

Communication & Journalism

The Communication & Journalism program, designed for all levels of Spanish language proficiency, allows you to choose from a variety of courses taught in your choice of English or Spanish, as you delve into themes such as the role of social media, photojournalism, and Spanish media. Through active involvement with the host city, people, institutions, and culture, you have the opportunity to turn the city into your classroom, while gaining insight into the changing media landscape and varied journalism approaches in Spanish society.


Expand your horizons and obtain international insight into the field of psychology. You have the unique chance to learn from local specialists how practitioners approach the study of human behavior, with both core and optional psychology courses accessible. The city of Barcelona serves as an extension of the classroom by contextualizing the curriculum and urges you to draw parallels between your personal observations and relevant course themes.

Look no further; Barcelona is the destination for you. If you want to discover more about the various options Barcelona has to offer, please visit Further Information – Barcelona for more cultivating activities and events.


Bou, E., & Subirana, J. (n.d.). The barcelona reader: Cultural readings of a city on JSTOR.

Fortuna, C. (n.d.). 15 things to know before study abroad in Barcelona.,might%20never%20want%20to%20leave

Welcome to Barcelona. PDF. (n.d.).