Letter to Senior Self

Hello future me!

I hope that you survived and thrived in clinicals! I know that right now you should have done a lot of clinicals, and I hope that you have a nursing internship worked out for your last semester. You have completed so many nursing courses and gotten so far, I’m so proud of you. You’re probably living off campus with friends and I hope you are taking good care of yourself and not pushing yourself too hard. I also hope that you aren’t slacking off, you can do it! By now you’ve traveled abroad, completed many courses, and are probably really tired based off of the senior nursing students I saw this year. However, nursing students grow closer as they get further through the program so I hope that you’ve connected with your fellow nursing students! I hope that you are happy and proud of yourself for accomplishing so much, you’ve worked your entire life for this. Always know that I believe in you, even if I am you from the past.


Joely (May 2020)