I am a Kinesiology major, with a focus in Applied Health Science Profession. With this major, I am interested in, and passionate about, caring for and helping others by improving their health and well-being. As such, I am enrolled in many health focused, kinesiology courses at Longwood and plan to start an internship soon. I am interested in looking for a future career in Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy, but I am also open and would be interested in other health care fields. Within a Kinesiology major, I will study and begin to understand the art and science of human movement. I also will learn about basic and complex human anatomy and how our body’s function.

Entering Longwood University, I was unsure of the career path I wanted to go down, but after much thinking, discussing and researching, I decided that the health science field was the best path for me as it fits all of my passions in life. My whole life, I have been involved with sports and exercise. Health has been a big goal and value of mine. I also am very familiar with health, and the basics centered around the human body movement and functions, and would like to understand further. I also added Psychology as my minor, since I want to work with and help people in my future (more information on the Psychology tab). Even though I still have a way to go in fulfilling my Kinesiology major, so far I have maintained a 4.0 GPA, and plan to keep it close to that, as I finish out the rest of my Kinesiology courses. I want to retain and apply as much information as I can throughout my time at Longwood. I look forward to taking my Kinesiology driven courses and working in the health science field!