Longwood Women’s Soccer

A huge passion and interest of mine, since I was little, is sports. Ever since I was three years old, I was involved with and played soccer. I started off at a basic level, and as I got older, I started to advance my level of play. I played on NVSC, Northern Virginia Soccer Club, where I traveled all around the nation playing the best competition and growing to become a better player myself. This led me to my commitment to play Women’s Soccer at Longwood University. Here, I train and play at a high, competitive level and continue growing my love for the game. Soccer has taught be a lot about the world around me and myself. I have learned many skills such as teamwork, leadership, perseverance, work-ethic, decision making and more. Soccer has tested me in many aspects of my life, mentally and physically, and I have had to understand why this would happen and how to overcome each obstacle. With downs, there are also many positives that come along with soccer which make every day out on the field worth it. I think that with the addition of sports in my life, it has made me a better student and overall a better person. In fact, I think academics and sports are very similar and center around similar attributes and focus.