At the beginning of my spring semester as a sophomore I had just been elected into my first position in my sorority Alpha Sigma Alpha as the scholarship chairman. I am so passionate about my grades and learning that I thought I would be a perfect fit for this position. Every year in February, our sorority travels to an all day event called The Academy. This is where several different Alpha Sigma Alpha chapters from different schools come and we all learn about how we can improve our chapters. I was able to sit in on several different information sessions and learn about how I could help my chapter especially with scholarship. I implemented a new app called Skoller, that can organize your syllabus and be an online planner to help keep track of due dates. This app also helped raise money for one of our philanthropies, The Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation. Throughout the semester I was able to work with my sisters who were struggling with school and help them to stay motivated. I feel this day spent at The Academy was a great step towards enhancing my professional development. It will assist me to learn how to care for my sisters and also my future patients while also keeping me focused on school. Active learning is so important in the nursing field and all of my nursing professors have told me that as a nurse you never stop learning. So being able to learn how to better this at The Academy was extremely helpful and will assist me in my future career.
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