In my Writing and Rhetoric class I was able to learn what college writing is truly like. I came into college with a set idea of what I thought college writing would be like. After completing this honors course I came to the realization that college writing was able to take on many different forms. We learned about different subjects and what types of writing is best for each type. I loved the way my professor gave us several exercises to push our writing skills to the limits. For example, at the beginning of the semester we were given a postcard with a picture on the front. We had to write about this one picture for a whole week. It was amazing to see how our minds were forced to think outside of the box to describe our postcard a different way each day.
Below is another example of a creative project where we were allowed to pick a new genre to tell a personal story. I chose to do a comic to show my experience of finding my cat. I wanted to challenge myself and try to use as little words in my comic as possible. I wanted the reader to have to rely on the pictures and make interpretations for themselves. Overall I loved taking this class and I believe that it really helped improve my college writing. I am so glad that I was able to take it at the beginning of my freshman year to help me throughout the rest of college.