When I originally signed up for Theater 101 I did not think that I was going to get much out of this class. Being a nursing major I didn’t see myself ever having anything to gain from learning about theater. However, I was wrong about this. As I took this course I realized that theater was more than just performing on a stage. There are so many different aspects that go into theater such as back stage and even education. As we learned about how theater could be taught to help prisoners learn how to transition back into society. This class was very speaking infused so I was pushed out of my comfort zone to share assignments that I had done in front of the class. This helped me learn how to speak my mind and also learn leadership techniques that could be used in any field of study. Working in many different groups during this class also helped me develop teamwork skills that are essential when working as a nurse. One big group project we were assigned was to research a regional theater and give a twelve minute presentation in front of the class. I was so proud of my group and the hard work we put into our project. Overall I was happy with what I learned in theater about the material and myself.
Above is a link to my groups final project on our regional theatre that we presented to the class.