This was a very interesting class to me because it was so hands on. I find that I am a very good visual learner and if this class had purely been talking about the exercises I would not have learned all that I did. This class offered me a lot of useful material towards my degree because as a Recreational Therapist I could be teaching exercise classes to those with disabilities. By being able to understand more about how the body is supposed to move and how certain exercises can be helpful for different disabilities I feel like I would be more prepared to look at that as a potential career path. My favorite module in this class was the Therapeutic Yoga section. Our teacher showed us the power of this and we were able to dedicate time to actually test it out for ourselves. This was super helpful and is something that is used for a lot of people with PTSD, which is within my field of study.
The most important thing that I learned in this class is how different exercises effect different specific muscles. This course was very hands on and we were in the gym a lot, which was a lot different than my other classes. This meant that I had to always be prepared to be up and moving around and working on things in the classroom and also in the gym. Before this class I was not used to the back and forth of this dynamic and never really knowing which we would do that day. This made class exciting and I feel like I learned more this way.
This document below was a semester long project about exercising and helping others do so as well.