ANTH 200: Cultural Anthropology

During the spring of 2019 I took Cultural Anthropology. This course was the historical and contemporary insights pillar for the Civitae requirements. The main objective for the semester was to learn about different cultures, while researching our own families and how they related to cultural relativism. This course was pretty fast paced and I enjoyed the class overall. The research about our own families was what I liked most about this class. I learned that my family on my father’s side immigrated from France in the 1700s in order to escape religious persecution and that they settled in Virginia not far from where I live now. This was eye-opening because I did not realize how deep my families roots were in the US.

The most important thing that I learned from this class was that I could not procrastinate at all and if I did my grade would suffer. This was a writing intensive course with a lot of research in each paper and each paper had hours of research packed into it. This meant that I had to start the research two weeks in advanced and then the paper one week in advanced to get a quality paper. Before this class I was not used to doing this and would start most of my papers three to four days in advanced of the due date. This will help me in the future when I am required to write longer papers.

The article attached is my final paper about my family and their relevance to globalization.