Goal 10: SPAN 201-B13

Foreign Language: Intermediate Spanish, Professor Sanchez, Summer 2018

I took this course online over summer break between sophomore and junior year. As prerequisites to this class, I took Spanish 101 in the Fall 2017 semester and Spanish 102 in the Summer I 2018 semester (taking Spanish 201 in the Summer II 2018 semester). This course was only a month long, therefore, it was intensified as we were still covering the same amount of information that is covered in a semester long course. After completing three semesters of Spanish in high school and three semesters of Spanish in college, I feel much more confident in my understanding and use of this language. I have always felt that I could successfully read and write Spanish; however, after the numerous amount of video recordings I have submitted for my online Spanish courses during the summer of 2018, I now feel as though I can successfully speak this language as well. I hope that I will be able to put this skill to use in my career as needed. One of our writing assignments for this course was a short, persuasive essay about the best place to live (the country or the city), as we were practicing our chapter vocabulary about the environment. I have attached this essay as my artifact.