Apr 25 2018

Goal 7 – History of Western Civilization

Foundations of Western Civilization:

I took this history course my first semester freshman year, and it really was a struggle for me in the beginning. I am not a huge fan of history and because the layout of this class was so different to what I was used to, I had a hard time adjusting. However, after the first few weeks I was able to really understand what my professor was looking for, and I excelled from then on. In taking this class, I was introduced to a different teaching style that I had never encountered before, but this allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and extend me learning capabilities.

One of the major assignments for this class was outlining topics and discussing them with this class. This took a lot of practice and knowledge of the subject given. We would be given a topic and had to create an outline as to what we would talk to the class about. We then presented this outline and our findings to the class. This was something that really made me step far out of my comfort zone, but helped me with my presentation and public speaking skills in the long run.

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