Apr 25 2018

Goal 2 – Writing and Research

Because various classes throughout your college career as well as in the work force will require you to write many different kinds of papers, this class was very beneficial and taught me how to write the principle types of arguments called for in academic and personal life. Writing well and reading well go hand-in-hand, this class allowed for evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of other writers’ arguments, which added in my own writing. I wrote many essays that required different rhetorical strategies, this really strengthened my writing skills. I was still stuck in high school style writing, but this class was a great transition into college level writing. By the end of the semester, I was able to  write strong and convincing arguments that meet the rhetorical needs of a variety of situations.

For our research assignment, we were able to chose the topic we wished to research. For my paper, I chose to research Alopecia, since it has been a large part of my life for so long. At this point in my life, I didn’t know much about this disease, so this assignment really helped me learn more about my own life.

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