Community is one of the first things that comes to my mind whenever I think about Longwood or just the Honors College in general. My first week here I participated in the honors retreat and I kept hearing everyone say “honors is family”. At first, I thought, that those certain people saying this must be really close. However, as time went on I was able to experience what they meant. Every person I have met through honors has impacted my life in one way or another, and they were all for the better. I am now connected to a large group of people that has now become a second family to me. You never feel judged or outĀ of place when you are with your honors family.
In addition, Longwood as a whole is unique because everyone on campus is a tight-knit community. Every time I walk to class or just to the student union, I always pass someone I know and wave or receive a smiling face. I always feel right at home anywhere on campus, and that is something I know you can not get anywhere else.