Letter to Senior Self

Hey Brooke!

Congratulations girl, you survived nursing school! I am SO proud that all of your hard work paid off and you were able to conquer nursing school!  I hope you have continued to make the Dean’s List each semester and the President’s list a few times.  I know it was not easy and there were many challenges along the way, but you gave it your very best.  Good luck applying for jobs and preparing for the BIG exam!

As this is your senior year, I hope you make the most of it!  I hope each year at Longwood has proven to be even better than the previous.  I can only imagine what you have managed to accomplish at Longwood throughout the past four years.  It is hard to believe they went by so quickly.  I hope your study abroad trip was an amazing experience and you were able to experience a new culture and lifestyle.

Reflecting on how much I have grown during freshman year, I cannot wait to see the person you have become.  I hope you have grown in your relationship with Jesus and still have a heart for missions.  At this point you have established yourself closely with the students at Prince Edward High School as a Young Life Leader.  I am sure all of those nights at Cook Out were worth the friendships built.  Speaking of friends, this year was the best year ever!  Wheeler third floor was home to my closest friends.  Unfortunately, my year was cut short due to a pandemic (who would have thought!).  I cannot imaging how difficult it will be to leave these lovely friends and my home away from home.

NCLEX here I come!


Freshman Brooke