
Scholarship consists of academics and the knowledge gained through course material.  This is not only the knowledge that is gained in the books, but how one interprets and displays the information.  Knowledge is needed whether one is running the economy, a classroom, or a floor in a hospital.  I think it is important to demonstrate knowledge in areas outside of my major as well.  This gives me the opportunity to have a well rounded academic experience.

Academics have always been a large part of my life.  I have received placement on the Honor Roll throughout my entire experience at Poquoson City Public Schools.  My parents have taught me the importance of making efficient grades while I kept a well-rounded social agenda.  In other words, my schoolwork came before dance and time spent with friends.  School has always been exciting for me because I like to learn about new ideas and going into depth about previous topics.

I enjoy school even more now because I am studying a topic that greatly interests me and I have the small freedom of choosing my classes.  Longwood has taught me the importance of thriving in topics that I enjoy and encouraged me to try new topics as well.  During my freshman spring semester, I enrolled in a women and gender study course.  Personally, I have never had experience with this topic and felt slightly insecure about trying it.  However, that class became one of my favorites because a majority of the information was all new to me!  I am excited to continue trying new courses and expanding my knowledge in the next three years.