Senior Letter

   I hope that this letter finds you well. It’s been three years since you’ve written this and hopefully, you’ve improved. At this current moment, I’m camping, something I know you’ll still love doing. Although I’m now at peace with the unfortunate way that things turned out for our last semester of freshman year, I was upset for a while about it. We all have a lot to be upset about at this current time. There are riots consuming the whole of the country and American police brutality is being witnessed on a massive scale. A pandemic has swept across the nation and has devastated families and communities. There have been natural disasters and conflicts worldwide. We’re heading into yet another recession, not much longer after the last one. You were supposed to go on an amazing trip to California, but maybe it was for the best. California will still be there next summer, and the lockdown has given you plenty of time to do things that you always say you don’t have time to do. 

    You’ve really grown this past year being at college. You’ve learned things about yourself and a lot from your classes. At this point, you’re probably president of the Outdoors Club, and I am so proud of you. Finding people that share the same interests as you at school really helped you grow to love Longwood and is just one of the many reasons you’re still there three years later.

    I really hope that you’re happy with a teaching degree because if you aren’t you won’t even have a good salary to console you. It’s not about the money, though. You’re doing this because you love your major and want to pass that knowledge onto others. I’m not worried that you’re not going to like it, really, I just hope that ends up being something you love and not just like. You’re probably going to get married in a couple of years and settle into a teaching job. I think that you’re going to find happiness, even if it doesn’t come from your career. You’ll find something that will fulfill you and you’re going to do it well.