Citizen 110

The title of this honors course was Entrepreneurship and the Global Citizen. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this class but it turned out to be very thought-provoking. Our class discussed socio-economic, political, and environmental issues, among other things. What I found the most interesting, though, was the environmental issues that were discussed. Issues concerning the environment are very important to me and I found myself becoming more outraged at the way corporations treat the planet we all share. A partner and I conducted research about biking on college campuses and the ways in which we could work to improve the safety and bike-friendliness on campus. Because Longwood’s campus is a small one, there isn’t a huge need for bikes, but as an avid biker at home, I thought it was interesting. My partner and I ended up developing a working prototype of a phone charger that is powered by the force of air on a fan that is attached to it. The fan is attached to the bike and it charges the rider’s device.  We had to 3-D print several of the pieces for this project, which was difficult because the printer would not work all of the time. Since I don’t have an image of the final project I’m including a picture of one of our failed prints.

A failed 3-D print, it was supposed to be a fan shroud.