Journal Entry #3

In the personal values self-assessment, I scored high in professional values, family values and social values. I also scored lowest in spiritual values and physical values. I believe these scores are accurate in assessing my personal values because I tend to prioritize my friends, family, school, and my professional leadership roles. These personal values are helpful as a social worker because they coincide with the social work values of importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. Being strong in these values will be useful in understanding and having empathy for clients and their families. These values are also helpful in understanding the necessity of having a support system. These values may also contribute to biases by skewing my perception of what a family or support system looks like.

My values, beliefs, and social identities affect my leadership ability and potential by guiding my decision making and thought process throughout my work in each of these roles. My values and beliefs may affect my leadership ability depending on the situation. For example, in ethical dilemmas, personal values and beliefs may play a role in making a decision. My values, beliefs, and social identities may also affect how I interact with other people in professional and social situations. Social workers can ensure they are being inclusive in professional settings by holding regular meetings that allows everyone the opportunity to speak and share their experiences. They can also be inclusive with their client population in how they speak to their clients using inclusive and empowering language.