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Longwood Blogs Update

The aforementioned update to Longwood Blogs has been applied and our testing shows that all is well with the system. If you do see any new problems with your blogs, please report it to us.

With this update comes a number of changes, some of which you won’t see, such as security fixes.  Here’s a list of major changes that you will see:

  • The Admin Bar — this is a new bar that you’ll see at the top of the page when logged in.  It provides access to some commonly used functions and is especially useful for managing multiple blogs.  If you don’t care for the admin bar, you can disable it on your profile page, which you can find under Users > Your Profile.

    The New Admin Bar

  • Theme Filtering — if you’re having trouble finding the right theme, click the “Feature Filter” link and a dialog appears letting you show only themes with certain features.
  • Improved Links Dialog — the links dialog is less complicated-looking and helps you link to other posts or pages on your blog.

The Updated Add Link Dialog

  • CSS Editor — those familiar with CSS can now edit their blog’s stylesheet to make any changes to the appearance desired. would normally charge users for this added functionality, but you get it here for free!  Activate the “Custom CSS” plugin to use.
  • 3D Tag Cloud — it’s a tag cloud with all the tags arranged around a sphere that you can rotate to browse.  More about looks than functionality, but it looks awesome. Activate the “WP-Cumulus” plugin to use.

3D Tag Cloud

  • Theme Updates — the following themes received updates:  Arjuna X, Graphene, Oilipo, Snowblind, Titan, and Traction.
  • Plugin Updates — the following plugins received updates:  Blogger Importer, FeedWordPress, Viper’s Video Quicktags, and WordPress Importer.
  • Fixes
    • Image Embedding — embedded remote images (“From URL”) will now correctly resize.
    • Anarchy Media Player — this handy plugin that added buttons for embedding videos to the post editor has been fully replaced with Viper’s Video Quicktags, which we’ve already enabled on your blogs for your convenience.
    • WordPress App — it’s now working with your LancerNet IDs for login.  Now you can post with ease from your iPad, iPod, and iPhone.
Arjuna X

Update and downtime! Thurs – July 28th

Funny how those two words are often found together! We will be updating blogs from 8-9:30am on the 28th. Your blog content will still be viewable during that time; however we will temporarily disable logins (and editing) at some point to complete the update.

Here are a few new features you will see after the update:

Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Spring 2011 Featured Blogs

Jessica Noel’s Art 330 Blog

Beautiful use of the AutoFocus theme that allows students to display their creative work! Keep featuring your art, Jessica!

Stephen’s COMM 325 Blog

Wonderful use of Flickr RSS widget to showcase photos on a blog! Way to go, Stephen!

Chris Register’s Art 330 Course Blog

An excellent example of faculty’s participation in a course blog! Chris Register has created his own blog where he is modeling the illustration processes for his students and contributing equally to the course blog.


New Theme and Plugins

We’ve added only one new theme for you in this update, but it’s quite an amazing one.   Gorgeous and highly versatile, the Graphene theme can easily be tweaked for use on any type of blog: personal, course, departmental, group, etc.  It supports custom headers, custom menus, and custom backgrounds plus adds some non-standard features like a featured slider, custom CSS, color themes, and per-page custom headers.  See Graphene in action on the new Yellowstone 2011 course blog.

Two new plugins were also added in this update:

  • Google Maps Made Simple — makes embedding Google maps into your posts and pages relatively easy by adding a new button to the “Upload / Insert” options which opens a WYSIWYG map editor
  • Post Notifications — allows visitors (or people of your choosing) to subscribe to email updates whenever a post is made to your blog.  Can add a widget or page for visitors to manage their subscription.  (Get us to help you configure this plugin in you’re having trouble.)

New Longwood Blogs Link

Now you can get to Longwood Blogs from a link on the University’s homepage.  It’s on the right side under “General Quick Links”.


Official Launch Update

In preparation for a hopeful official launch of Longwood Blogs next week, we’ve applied some updates to further refine the blog system.

Unless this is your first time visiting the blogs, you’ll notice a brand new “home blog” look built by Greenwood Library in cooperation with Web Communications and based on the theme for the Friends of the Library blog.  The home blog has the following major new features:

  • Login fields have been moved to the top of the page to make them more prominent; links to manage and create your blogs also appear here once logged in.
  • Featured Longwood Blogs news posts are automatically cycled at the top of the sidebar.
  • Recent images from all the blogs appear lower in the sidebar.

In addition to the home blog changes and other minor fixes, we’ve also made some changes to the backend of your blogs such as:

  • Your dashboards now display feeds of the latest site-wide blog posts and blog system news.
  • You can now see how popular a theme is when choosing one for your blog (Appearance  > Themes).