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Identifying Topic
Week 1 in Jordan - Learning the Ropes of an Ancient City
I am including all the photos for this post on this Google folder because this site doesn't have the bandwidth to accommodate both my yapping and lots of pictures! Click the link for Jordan flicks! As I bit into the flaky, crisp layers of golden phyllo punctuated with bright green pistachios, I was immediately soothed ... Continue reading →
Identity Research
Sports/ Coaching Talking about how identity/self fits in with sports/coaching. Is that how athletes and coaches how they interact with others and approach there goals like if they want to go D1 or pro as a athlete or coach. For coaches their identity and self-awareness play a role in how they lead and interact with ... Continue reading →
Hello world!
Welcome to Longwood Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
This portfolio aims to display who I am as not only a worker, but a person. There are so many aspects that going into picking and choosing a career and these highlight those ideas. Professionalism is very important but I also feel that it is important to be raw and truthful all at the same ... Continue reading →
Personal Information Lorali 2440 Hillsboro Quay(757)-472-3480 Objective My goal for a job after I graduate is to find something that I enjoy doing and that will make it possible to survive in this economy. I honestly don't know exactly what that is but I will have to figure it out and I fell that ... Continue reading →
Professional Self
I want the main focus of my work to help people. I want to make a difference in individual lives and the world as a whole. My love of family and wanting to build my own one day is what motivates me. Work is important but family will always come first in my book. I ... Continue reading →
Identity Research
My topic is religion and how that relates and contributes to my identity