In constructing the correspondence documents for this course, I developed two specific documents, a Bad News Letter as well as a Persuasive Letter, for this important subject. Mirroring the titles of these assignments, I was tasked with presenting a Bad News Letter in which I had to professionally detail why a professional organization had to withhold specific services as well as take the perspective of an individual writing a Persuasive Letter in order to convince an organization to enact a specific change. Within these documents, I had to learn about as well as implement the various guidelines associated with professional correspondences. Additionally, I also utilized skills in logo and icon design for the Bad News Letter assignment.
Considering how these specific writing assignments related to the course outcomes, these two documents allowed me to both encounter as well as address several notable areas of importance. Firstly, I was able to gain exposure to Course Outcome 1 by being required to develop letters based on specified rhetorical situations in which adherence to design principles and requirements of the genre were vital. Additionally, I addressed Course Outcome 2 by creating professional documents that utilized plain English principles, abided by the eight C’s of professional writing, as well as reflected the specific language, syntax, and grammar necessary for each rhetorical situation.
Bad News Letter:
Persuasive Letter: