Applied Statistics. That name does not sound like a very fun, interesting class but it actually turned into being my favorite class I have taken so far. I was dreading this class from the beginning because all I had heard was how hard and complex the material was, but I ended the class with a very high A after putting in many restless nights studying.
In the class, we worked in groups doing the different hypothesis tests and assignments which really helped expand my communication and interpersonal skills. We had to complete two group papers on our own time while also completing normal homework assignments at the same time which also helped with my time management skills. Those skills will help me in every class and in the real world after graduation.
My artifact is one of those group papers. We had to look up and use real data that related Longwood University to three other colleges in the Southeast based on if the senior students had held a leadership position. The paper explains our findings with the real data collected throughout the years. I really enjoyed this class because of the skills I learned and the knowledge I gained through all of these hypothesis tests.