Love, Sex, and Friendship. I had no idea what I was getting myself into with this honors course except that I needed to take it for honors credit. This class was based on philosophy articles dating back centuries to several modern movies that related the topics of love, sex, and friendship.
Being an accounting business major, my mind is more math-based than reading based, and this class was actually rather hard for me to adapt too. As the class progressed, it got easier for me to adapt to the more advanced readings and homework assignments. My favorite part of this class was actually an extra credit assignment where we watched movies that related to our topic during that week. We ended up only being able to watch two movies because of the coronavirus, but those movies helped me better understand our topics and views on love, sex, and friendship.
In this class, I learned how important it is to be able to interpret readings and plots of movies and shows. At first, I would have to do the readings with friends to understand them or look up summaries, but they got easier to interpret the more I read and paid attention to the clues. My artifact is a paper that I wrote about friendships and social media based off of an episode of Black Mirror called Nosedive. It showed how social media can affect friendship is good and bad ways.