Summer 2019 REU Program in Translational Ecology
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY
Program Dates: May 20 – August 9, 2019
Deadline: January 25, 2019
Website: https://www.caryinstitute.org/students/reu-program
Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors or first semester seniors. Must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or its possessions. Underrepresented minorities and first generation college students are encouraged to apply. $6,600 stipend, plus a $900 food allowance and free on-campus housing. Assistance is available for travel to and from the program as well.
Transdisciplinary Research Program for Undergraduates in Sustainable Urban Water Systems
Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN)
Program Dates: May 29 – August 1, 2019
Deadline: January 25, 2019
Website: https://erams.com/UWIN/urp/
Students will be given the opportunity to perform cutting edge research of immediate relevance to people in urban areas at institutions in urban areas across the nation. Students with different research interests in urban water sustainability – social sciences, natural sciences, engineering – are invited to apply. Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors or first semester seniors. Must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or its possessions. Underrepresented minorities and first generation college students are encouraged to apply. $4,500 stipend. On-campus or nearby housing, travel assistance. The program starts and ends at Colorado State University in Fort Collins CO.
PIKSI Summer Institute
Penn State University, MIT
Program Dates: PIKSI Rock (June 17-28, 2019); PIKSI Boston (June 20-27, 2019)
Deadline: January 31, 2019
Website: http://www.piksi.org/
PIKSI (Philosophy in an Inclusive Key) at Penn State University and MIT seeks to encourage underrepresented students to study philosophy. Transportation, room and board, and a stipend are provided.
Cancer-Focused Summer Undergraduate Research (CanSUR) Program
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Case Western Reserve University
Deadline: February 1, 2019
Website: https://case.edu/cancer/training-education/cancer-focused-summer-undergraduate-research-cansur
The goal of the program is to generate excitement for a future career in cancer research in highly motivated undergraduates and help them prepare for the next stage in their careers. Thirty-two undergraduates from across the country will work with one of 82 Case Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers.
NSF/REU Undergraduate Fellowship in Interdisciplinary Water Science and Engineering
Virginia Tech
Program Dates: May 28 – August 2, 2019
Deadline: February 15, 2019
Website: http://lewas.ictas.vt.edu/nsf-reu-site/reu-online-application
Rising sophomore, junior and senior undergraduate students from all U.S. colleges/universities are invited to apply for a 10-week NSF/REU summer research program in interdisciplinary water science and engineering at Virginia Tech. A stipend of $500/week ($5000 total), housing, meals, and travel expenses are provided. Ten students will be recruited for this program; two applicants will be selected for travel to India for research at The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM).
University of Tennessee Space Institute Summer Research Intern Program
Program Dates: June 10, 2019 – August 19, 2019
Deadline: February 28, 2019
Website: www.utsi.edu/utsi-summer-research-intern-program
The Summer Research Intern Program at UTSI provides research experiences to undergraduate students majoring in engineering, science, or mathematics. Interns are assigned to the supervision of one or more UTSI professors and given a long-term research project to complete over the course of the summer. Additional, educational opportunities are provided, including engineering seminars and a career panel discussion. Salary: $3510 stipend ($13.00/hr x 30 hrs/wk x 9 wks). Location: UTSI campus in Tullahoma, Tennessee
Research Experience for Undergraduates: Mechanisms of Evolution
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Program Dates: May 28 – August 2, 2019
Deadline: March 3, 2019
Website: https://www.unlv.edu/lifesciences/moereu.
This NSF supported program provides students with an opportunity to perform independent research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Participants receive a $5,750 stipend, travel subsidy and complimentary housing in a UNLV dormitory.