Gen. Ed. Classes

Goal 1-LSEM

This course was unique in that it taught me important information regarding the adjustment to life in Longwood and college in general. The highlight of this course was getting to interact with other honors students as we discussed reactions to our new environment. Throughout this course, we analysed The Other Wes Moore on its themes …

Goal 10-Intermediate I Spanish (SPAN 201)

Spanish 201 was a pleasant surprise for the semester. I had completed Spanish 105 prior to this course and it was full of vocab and grammar memorization. Moving on to Spanish 201, I had the mindset ready to complete another semester of endless flashcards. This turned out to not be the case. There were some …

Goal 11-Fitness Concepts through Exercise (PHED 101)

This course demanded a lot of self-motivation, with a huge chunk of the grading based on baseline reports of steps I achieved every two weeks (report example below). In addition to all the walking/ running, this course informed me on how to live a healthier life through exercise and proper diet. This was not the …

Goal 12-Biomedical Ethics (PHIL 315)

I had completed this course online during the summer semester. I didn’t have much experience with an ethics focused classes before. The class felt very straight forward with the usual train and people on the tracks scenarios but overtime we moved on to the medical aspects of ethics. This was a very eye opening class …

Goal 3-World Literature (ENGL 201)

This has been one of the most interesting courses I have taken during my college career. I read 9 different novels from across South America, Africa, Japan, and countries in between. detailed discussions between the class and professor was a huge part of this course and really opened my eyes to the different cultures of …

Goal 4-Intro to Visual Arts (Art 160)

I remember taking art classes during elementary school, but then art disappeared from my life before taking this class. I had always appreciated art and its history, but I never had any general idea of how huge and important art is in modern times. this class broadened my outlook on art as a whole and …

Goal 8-American Government and Politics (POSC 150)

This was the first course I attended at Longwood and it taught me a lot about the college way of doing things. The professor had a no nonsense attitude during her class and always demanded our full attention even with the course being at 8 am. I am honestly not that interested in political science …

Goal 9-Introduction to Anthropology (ANTH 101)

I took this course to satisfy my general education goal 9, focusing on diversity. I chose to reflect on a paper our professor assigned out of no where in place of an in class exam. The first two exams in this course were both straightforward with the material covered in class, keeping me well within …

Intro Computer Science (CMSC 121)

I decided to take this class for my math credits because i thought it would provide some very useful information in regard to computers, i could use throughout the rest of my life. It was an intro level course but due to circumstances with the faculty’s schedule, a major portion of the material was left …

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