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General Physics 2 (PHYS 102)

General physics two was a course I took as a course requirement for my biology major. I have chosen to reflect on my studying habits before the quizzes, tests, and final exam of this course.

I have taken multiple physics courses from AP and IB physics in high school to general physics one from the semester prior to this one, so I already knew how much repetitive practice a physics course takes. From this past experience, I approached studying for this course the same as I would for any math heavy course, with tons of practice problems. I took advantage of every practice/ sample quiz or test made available and would go through these multiple times until each problem had become second nature to me. After going through the problems so many times, I noticed connections between the equations and later on from my professor, we learned how physicists would rework equations to apply to all the problems we solved during the entire course.

Below is a picture of a sample quiz and exam from this course that I had gone through. I could not fit all the other sample quizzes and exams into a picture so I chose two to show as an example.

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