Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Anna,

Welcome to your senior year of college!  I’m sure you know this by now, but I want to remind you that these years fly by.  With your freshman year being cut short by COVID-19 (Remember that?) and full of online classes and zoom meetings, I hope that you take every moment on campus and make the most of it.  Longwood is your home, so cherish it for this one last year.  I can’t help but think how you may one day be one of the nurses working during a global pandemic, but don’t let that scare you!  You are so capable of many things, and never forget that!

I hope you are enjoying Nursing.  By now, you are probably starting to think about where you want to start your externship, as well as where you will start your career.  Although this can all be stressful, don’t let it take away from the rest of your college experience.  Cherish the time you are in now!  Everything will fall into place as it is supposed to.  And even if you aren’t in nursing anymore, that is okay too.  I know whatever you choose will end up being extraordinary!

I have a few questions to ask you.  What sort of things are you up to these days?  Are you finally an official Sustainability Scholar?  Has Longwood responded to any of your proposals?  Did you finally become a leader for your Small Group Bible Study?  If you haven’t, take this opportunity as your final year to be a leader, and don’t let fear hold you back.  God will guide you through this!  Apply this mindset to the rest of this year as well.  It is always a good reminder to keep your faith strong, even when things such as school or relationships seem tricky.  You will overcome anything you face.  I promise!

Most of all, I hope you are happy with where you are.  Live out the rest of this year with no fear and no regrets.  Continue to involve yourself around campus, and grow upon your relationships, and maybe even start new ones.  I’m proud of you!

Always remember, Go Lancers!
